What is Stealth Corseting? Tips on Going Stealth with Waist Training

What is Stealth Corseting?

So, you want to wear a corset, but you’re afraid of what your friends might think.  You know this support garment can add unsightly bulk under modern fabrics and bodycon clothing, so how are you supposed to start your waist training regimen without getting side-eye from friends and coworkers? It’s nobody’s business but your own […]

My Experience Breaking in/Seasoning a Waist Training Corset (Miss Bee Townsend)

My Experience Breaking in/Seasoning a Corset (Miss Bee Townsend)

Video Transcription Hello tipsters and tricksters, welcome back to my channel. And welcome to another tips and tricks video. Today, I have something a little different for me. I am going to share with you my experience, my first-time experience, with a corset. I have worn a corset previously for a photoshoot that a friend […]