What Happens if I Don’t Season/Break In My Corset?

What Happens if I Don't Season/Break In My Corset?

Although perms have fallen out of fashion these days, most of us ladies know that wetting your curls immediately after a perm is a recipe for half-baked hair and the ruination of your ringlets (see the courtroom scene from Legally Blonde).

You also know better than to strap on a new pair of stilettos when attending a trade show that entails a marathon of walking and standing with nary a seat in sight.

The point is, you need to take some time to season new style additions before you rely on them for extended performance, unless you want to deal with droopy curls, blisters, or worse.

The same basic principle applies to adding a new corset to your wardrobe and your waist training regimen.

You can’t expect to go 0-60 in three seconds flat right off the line.  You’ve got to take your corset for a few test drives to get comfortable first.

You might scoff at the notion of spending days or even weeks seasoning a new corset, but you’re the one who’s going to suffer from defying conventional wisdom.

Here are just a few of the unfortunate side effects you’ll encounter when you fail to properly break in your corset.

Uncomfortable Fit

A corset is designed to be stiff and rigid, but it’s also going to conform somewhat to your shape with wear, and this is necessary for comfort when you’re sporting this tightly-laced garment all day long.

What if the arm holes on your jacket poked painfully into your armpits or your pants wouldn’t allow you to bend your knees?  Chances are the discomfort would drive you to seek other outfits.

Now apply the same tenet to your corset.

Proper seasoning helps you to slowly mold a new corset to your curves so that it fits like it was made for you.

This will greatly increase comfort when you do start tightening laces for waist training, so you can reasonably wear this supportive garment day in and day out.

If you’re not keen to risk bruising, jabbing, and other potential harm, seasoning is wise.

Unattractive Fit

It’s a good bet you’re interested in waist training because you want to create an aesthetically pleasing hourglass shape, not because you’re interested in seeing the reaction on peoples’ faces when they notice strange protrusions under your clothing.

When you fail to break in your corset, it may never fit correctly.

If you insist on significant tightening right off the bat instead of taking the time to let the garment conform to your body, you could end up with edging that sticks out at weird angles, poking awkwardly from under clothing.

Likely you’ll end up fidgeting due to discomfort, or potentially even passing out from the ill-fitting garment, neither of which are particularly attractive.

If you want to look and feel your best, seasoning your corset is a must.

Damage to Your Garment

Your corset may work miracles, but it’s not made of magic. If you abuse it, you risk causing irreparable damage.

When you start waist training without first breaking in your garment, you could put undue stress on seams, causing tears, or you might bend boning or busks.

Both outcomes will render your corset virtually useless and require repair or replacement.

Wasted Investment

Waist training corsets are not inexpensive, so you naturally want to make the most of your investment.

Whether you damage your garment, it is uncomfortable to wear, or it just doesn’t look right under clothing, you’re going to lose out on the use value you should get from divine corsetry.

If you want to get your money’s worth, make sure to season your corset appropriately.

You may also like: Corset Seasoning Schedule: Seasoning for Waist TrainingHow to Season/Break in a CorsetHow do I Know When My Corset is Seasoned Enough?

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