Finding the Perfect Stealthing Corset to Hide Under Your Clothes

Finding the Perfect Stealthing Corset to Hide Under Your Clothes

The average woman may not be embroiled in the intricacies of spy craft, but ask just about any woman on the street about the stealth required where undergarments are concerned, and they can talk for hours about the difficulties of avoid VPL (visible panty line), especially under modern skinny jeans or athletic wear like yoga […]

Corset Myths: 5 Myths about Waist Training

Corset Myths: 5 Myths about Waist Training

There’s a lot of misinformation floating around where corsets and waist training are concerned, but you needn’t fall prey to corset myths/waist training myths that are little more than misguided beliefs and sensationalism.  If you want to know the truth, read on to discover a slew of common myths debunked. Cinchers and Corsets are Interchangeable […]