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- Featured Corset: Jolie Short Black Mesh Corset
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Hi, everybody. This is my first corset review for August. If you haven’t been able to tell from my all my frizzy hair because it’s super hot and humid outside. So, what better time to review a mesh corset.
So, today, I’m wearing the Jolie short corset by Glamorous Corset in black mesh. So, here is the front, side, back, and the other side.
When I took the measurements of this corset right out of the box it was identical to the Jolie corset that I reviewed a couple of years ago. So, that’s good. It has consistency between the measurements. However, because this is mesh, it does expand in the waistline. And it also expands at the top and bottom as well. Because the fish net style netting, it can expand a little bit.
So, with that in mind, when I measured this out of the box, the waistline was true. Now, it is about an inch bigger than the label says. So, just as a refresher for the original mesh I measured it out of the box, it was 22 inches in the waistline. The under bust measured straight across here, as 28 inches. Now, it’s a little bit more than that. We are at 28 and a half. And at the hip here, it was 31 inches. So, it came with a 6 inch rip strip and my inch hip spring.
Now, at the very, very top because it swoops up, there is plenty more room if you have any back squish as well if you have slightly a fuller, lower hip. And this isn’t going to be a problem. Because it cuts up and then down again. The bottom part is relatively freer than if it were cut straight across. I would say it acts exactly like a [inaudible]. But it is a little bit more flexible in that if you have a little bit more in the back it will be able to flex and go over this part.
The center front of this corset is nine inches. At the princess seam here, from under the bust to the top of the lap here, is six and a half inches. Three and half are from the waist up. And the waistline I measured from the bottom of the waist tape and three inches from the waist down.
At the side seam here, it is nine and half inches. So, you can see that it dips down a little bit lower on the side seam here than it does in the front here. And in the very back, because it comes down and is a little bit lower and also has a slightly high back, it’s the longest in the center back at 10 inches.
I would say this is best suited for somebody with a shorter torso. So, if you are less than nine inches from the under bust to the lap here, I am closer to 10 and half or 11 inches. So, I have about two inches from the top of the corset up to my actual under bust area. And then, I have another, maybe three inches, from the bottom to the lap here.
Now, I don’t have much of a lower pooch. But if you do have a larger lower tummy or you have a panniculus, then this corset is probably not going to pull in, up, and support that. Because the corset cannot support what it doesn’t touch.
So, if you have a very long torso that you want fully supported or if you have special considerations. If there are certain things that you want the corset to do for yourself, like holding in the lower tummy, then I would recommend something a little bit lower. However, if you do have a very short torso and especially if you have a little bit of a higher waistline, this might be better suited for you.
The fact that this corset is so short in the front and yet it has a bit of a higher back, it gives a kind of best of both worlds situation in that it is short enough for almost everybody to be able to sit down and comfortably. Yet, it is not low backed like many other types of waspys and centers are. So, you are going to get less spill over or muffin top over here underneath the shoulder blades compared to if you were to wear a low backed corset. In terms of the silhouette, even though the mesh material is a relatively flexible and it has expanded a little bit, it hasn’t expanded so much as to more of this corset from a common clothed silhouette to a very rounder silhouette. I think part of that is because it has so many boning channels in it. And the boning channels are wide. So, it has retained its relatively conical rib cage here. You can see that there is a little bit of an elegant swooping over the hips. So, it’s not really like a square hip shelf. But it’s not going completely down and pressing on the hip bones either. It is kind of going out a little bit and wrapping down, around the hip bone.
So, let’s go to the table top portion of this review and I can show you the other details close up. So, here is the mesh Jolie short corset laid flat. And for the materials, obviously the mesh is a single layer. So, you can see it is open weave, fish net style netting, with the hexagonal weave to it. And it has a little bit of give.
And then, the bone in channels are two layers of black cotton tole. So, in between the panels, straddling the panels to reinforce the seams here, you have the double wide boning channels. And that reinforces the assembly of the corset as well as providing a place for the bones to live. This is what the Glamorous Corset label looks like. And it was just saying reverse on the other side. Here is the fabric content and cleaning instructions. And the size is actually sown on to both sides of the corset, right at the very top here. So, the left side and on the right side.
And turning this corset to the side, it still has the six-panel pattern. The panels I’m counting as the mesh pieces that are in between the boning channels here so you can see panel one, two, three. Panel four is a little bit skinny, as well as channel five. And here is panel six in the back, right there.
And while the corset is it on its side here, you can appreciate the pattern. The top end here, comes down underneath the bust line so it doesn’t push up on the bust. And then it comes back up towards the back. So, I sometimes call this a center with a high back. It’s not extremely high. It’s not like way up there. But the back can be compared to the same length as some other standard length corsets out there.
So, a lot of people understand that the lower back on a corset, the more likely there is to get a little bit of a squish or a muffin or spill over at the back. This avoids that. So, it’s kind of like the best of both worlds. This is six and half inches at the princess seam. So, it can fit most people that have a short torso. So, it can pick most people who have a short torso. But it’s not going to create a ton of muffin top in the back.
And that top kind of mirrors the bottom edge as well so it comes up so that it doesn’t dig into your lap when you sit down. But then it comes down rather abruptly here at panel three to cover the side of the hip here. And then, it kind of goes straight back from there. So, even though this is a center, this does come down a little bit lower over the hips.
Now, that means that unlike say a short hipped waspy back goes right over the hip bone. You do have to pay more attention to the hip spring in this one to make sure that it is not going to be too small or too big and flaring on you. Because if it’s too small, then there is a possibility that this might pinch you. If it’s too big then it might flare on you like it did on me when I was modeling this corset.
However, with the mesh, because it is has a little bit more give to it, I feel like the hip spring in this version is a little bit more generous compared to the all cotton Jolie waspy was that I had reviewed in the past.
Turning to the inside here, you can very plainly see the waist tape here. It is one inch wide, made from grommet ribbon. It is a full width waist tape from the center front here all the way to the center back. And it is on the inside of the panels. But it still is sandwiched in between the boning channels here. And the binding is made from strips of black cotton twill. Machine stitched on both the outside and inside. On the outside, you can see that it is stitched in the ditch. And on the inside, you can see that there is a little bit of a lip here.
On the inside, they decided to just surge the end and not fold it over a second time to reduce bulk. And additionally, there are six garter tabs on this corset. Three on each side.
And this has a pretty wide modesty panel in the back. It is six inches wide. It is an unstiffened modesty panel. So, it does not have any boning in it. It is attached to one side of the corset with a row of stitching. So, if you don’t like modesty panels, you can just take a seam ripper and remove this. The tags might probably come along with that unfortunately. And it is finished in the same black cotton twill that the boning channels and binding is also made from.
As well, there is a modesty plaquette extending out of the knob side of the bust here. It’s a quarter inch wide and also finished in the black cotton twill.
The bust in this corset is just eight inches long and it is half an inch wide on each side with four loops and pins. They are a little bit closer together for a little bit more control over the tummy. Even though it is only half an inch wide on each side, it is an actually a stainless-steel bust. Because I took a sneaky peek of the bone here. And it’s not a white nylon bone. It’s actually a stainless-steel bone in there. So, it is a little bit less ferrous. So, it means that it is less magnetic. But also, it is a little bit stiffer compared to your standard width flexible bust.
Additionally, there are two bones adjacent to the bust for a little bit of reinforcement. Although from the feel of it, it seems that they are spiral steel bones and not flat steel. So, I don’t know how much actual reinforcement is doing. But at least the thought was there. And there are 26 bones total in this corset. 13 on each side. So, double boned on the boning channels. Two, four, six, eight, ten, these are all quarter inch wide spiral steel bones. On the back here, sandwiching the grommets you have two flat steel bones. These are also stainless-steel. So, they are a little less ferrous. But a little bit stiffer than your white nylon dipped bones. And additionally, there is that last 13th bone on each side, right next to the bust there. Double it for the other side. And that’s how you get 26.
And here is the close-up of the grommets. There are surprising a lot of grommets in this corset. There are 24 of them, 12 on each side. And they are set equal distantly apart. They are about three quarters of an inch apart as opposed to many of the off the rack brands that space them an inch or even one and a quarter inch apart.
They are sized double zero with the small to medium around them, they are finished in silver. They seem to be holding in relatively well especially considering that this a mesh corset with less reinforcement. That was one thing that I had alerted Rachel of Glamorous Corset to with some of the older style mesh corsets. It is possible that they bulked up the last panel here. And gave the grommets a little bit more to bite down on so that the grommets don’t rip out. I will continue to keep an eye on it and see if anything happens. But so far, so good when it comes this corset. And here is the underside of the grommets. So, nice big, big washers. I like that the washers are even bigger than the top part of the grommet. Because then it is less likely to pull out of the fabric here. Most of them have rolled nicely. A couple of splits here and there due to machine. But they don’t catch on the laces because the laces are pretty abrasion resistant. And once again, I’m not seeing damage of the fabric around the grommets here. They are still holding in pretty securely.
And the laces in this corset are your typically workhorse laces. So, black, quarter inch wide, flat, nylon, shoelace style laces. They have a little bit of springiness to them. But as you wear the corset, more and more of that springiness should stretch out and kind of go more taught. And you can tell that there is a ton of laces in here. So, if I pull the modesty panel back, this is how wide the laces are when you expand it as far as it will go. So, this accommodates a 14-inch lacing gap. I would probably never recommend a 14-inch waist reduction for somebody even if their natural waist is say like 50 inches. But just so you know, there are plenty of laces that come with this corset. And so, you should never have a problem with getting the corset to wrap around yourself or lace up because you’ll always have enough slack in the back.
The Jolie mesh corset is available in three styles currently. The single layer mesh corset that you see here, obviously. And if you prefer a more sturdy, structured, multi-layer, 100 percent cotton, sort of workhouse style corset, then Glamorous Corset provides this as well in black cotton or beige cotton. It’s $84 on their website. And it’s available in waist sizes 18 inches all the way up to 40 inches.
And this concludes my review of the mesh Jolie short corset. So, I hope you enjoyed this and learned something new. And if you did, please remember to click that like button down there because it helps support the channel. And it helps us to do our magic. If you have any comments or questions about this corset or Glamorous Corsets in general, feel free to leave a comment down below. I’m happy to get back to you. If you already own this corset, leave a comment down below and let us know what you think of it. Thank you so much for watching. And I will see you next time for another video. Bye.

My name is Rachel, I am the owner of Glamorous Corset, a small business founded by me in 2010. Back In 2005, I was in a car accident that left me with a herniated disk. Much to my surprise I learned steel boned corsets were beneficial to several medical injuries including mine. I was always intrigued with corsetry, their history and their beautiful aesthetic. I love sharing knowledge about corsets, educating my wonderful readers and breaking the negative stigma related to corsetry. In combination with my years of research and personal experience I hope my articles are useful and can help anyone who has struggled with some of the same things I have. More about me…