How to Put on a Corset: A Video Tutorial for Beginners

How to Put on a Corset (Video Tutorial)

Putting on a corset especially for the very first time can be challenging, as a corset is like no other piece of clothing. The key is practice and patience. After just a few tries, you can expect lacing up to become much easier. We hope our video on how to put on a corset can help!

Video Transcription

Hello everyone, and welcome back to our Glamorous Corset YouTube Channel. On today’s episode, we will be talking about, How to Put on your Corset.

As you can see, all our corsets will come in a beautiful velvet storage pouch, that you can use to keep your corset, to travel with your corset. Okay.

So, first things first, prior to putting on any corset, we need to loosen up the laces in the back. We need to get them nice and loose, so we can comfortably wrap the corset around ourselves, okay? So, I need to loosen up my laces a good four to five inches. That’s a comfortable level for me.

Okay, so as you could see, nice and loose. Okay. Open the corset, this is our modesty panel, right over here, this little piece of fabric, okay? Some like to remove it. I like to keep mine. Okay.

So, now I can comfortably close my corset without putting any unnecessary tension on the corset. We will make it nice and comfortable and position it according to my body. Okay, as you can see, we have gaps at the top, at the bottom, completely normal, okay? You can use a mirror, it’s definitely super helpful if you use a mirror while lacing up your corset. First, I like to adjust the modesty panel, so it can be as straight as possible, okay? Then I gradually begin tightening. Tighten the top of it and work my way down. And I like to go to the bottom and work with the bottom a little bit. And work my way up. Using the mirror definitely can help you see exactly what is going on in the back.

As I tighten, I like to also, once again adjust the modesty panel so it can be as straight as absolutely possible. Okay? So, I continue fixing the modesty panel because once it gets a bit too tight in the back, it’s very difficult to fix the modesty panel. I’m continuing also holding on to my x’s. I like to alternate between the top and the bottom. The final goal, of course, is to get the back nice and parallel. As you can see, the back is nice and parallel. We don’t want to warp the bonding or damage the corset and the fabric.

Okay. The key to a successful lace up is taking the time, especially if you are new to corsetry. Be patient. After practice, just a few times, it becomes nice and easy, just like second nature. Okay.

Okay. Now, I’m at my full comfort level. So, this is enough for me. I feel nice and comfortable. The corset fits nice and snug. The back as you can see, is nice and parallel. That’s exactly how we want our corset to be. Now, I’m going to finish off and making a bow in the back. Here we go. Here is the front. So, I’m not gapping at the top. I’m not gapping on the bottom. The corset fits nice and snug and hugs my body.

Again, here’s the back. The front. This concludes our video on how to put on a corset.

If there are any videos you guys would like to see from us, please let us know. We always love to hear from you.

Please like our video and subscribe to our channel. We’ll see you next time.

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