How to Pick Your Next Corset Size When Waist Training

How to Pick Your Next Corset Size When Waist Training

Life is full of uncertainties.  Will your long-time boyfriend ever propose or will you be forced to bend a knee and ask for his hand in marriage?  Will your boss realize your worth and give you a much-deserved promotion and raise or is it time to take the leap and start your own business?

Will any of the hyped Game of Thrones spin-off shows actually get made?  Will HBO ever understand that all I want in life is to find out what happens to Arya?  I don’t know about you, but these are the thoughts that keep me up at night.

So, it’s comforting to know that there are some things in life we can rely on, like the fact that following a waist training regimen will eventually result in semi-permanent waistline reduction.  What happens, though, when you’ve tightened your corsets as much as you can, and there’s no remaining gap to continue progressing?

When it’s time to downsize your corsets, the fragile sense of security you’ve built through predictable waist training can crumble.  Okay, it’s not as serious as all that, but you still need to know how to pick the proper corset size when your current corsets are no longer suitable.

Luckily, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.  Since you’ve been waist training for a while, you already have some notion of what you’re comfortable with and what your goals are, which means there are only a few things to consider when it comes to choosing the proper corset for your needs moving forward.

One Lump or Two

Sorry, we’re not spilling any tea today.  What we’re talking about is whether you should go down one size or two.  When the edges of your corset start to overlap under the lacing, you know it’s high time you downsized, but deciding whether to skip a size will depend on a variety of factors.

You should start by considering your ultimate goals.  If you plan to go down several more inches, and especially if you’re losing weight concurrent with your waist training, it might be wise to choose new corsets that are two sizes smaller instead of just one.

This is equally wise if your current corsets tightened fairly quickly along with your weight loss.  Naturally, you don’t want to find yourself buying new corsets every three months as you shed pounds, and you can slow the progress by skipping a size and starting with a fairly wide gap.

Now, not every woman working to reduce her waistline is going to lose weight during the process of waist training.  If this is the case, going down two sizes may not be for you.  Even if you plan for significantly greater reduction than what you’ve already achieved, say an additional four inches or more, measured progress is your best bet for daily comfort and lasting results.

In the months it takes you to season your new corsets and reduce your waistline enough to warrant a smaller size, your corsetry will probably be worn and in need of replacement anyway, so you’ll certainly get plenty of use value out of it.  Plus, you may end up deciding that you’ve reached a comfort point you don’t want to exceed, and then you’ll be happy you chose a corset just one size smaller instead of two.

Stop Gap Measures

When deciding how to size down appropriately, one thing you may fail to consider is how your choice affects the gap in the back of your corset, and this can be a major problem.  Just because you want to go down two sizes and it suits your waist training (and possibly weight loss) plan, doesn’t mean a corset two sizes smaller is necessarily going to fit properly.

It’s always wise to try before you buy to ensure that a new corset fits snugly, but comfortably, and that the gap isn’t too wide or too narrow.  When sizing down, you’ll need to focus on the former.  You’ll typically want to look for a gap that is no wider than about four inches max, with the ideal measurement falling in the range of 2-4 inches.  It could be slightly larger before seasoning, but 2-4 inches is a pretty good rule of thumb.

Brands and Styles

It’s normal to fall in love with a particular brand or even a specific style of corset, but when you size down, you may have to throw your preconceived notions out the window.  As your body changes, whether you’re losing weight or just narrowing your waistline, you may need to consider a more pronounced spring (waist to hip ratio) to accommodate your changing curvature.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t find suitable corsets from a brand you already love and have a relationship with, but you might want to at least think about trying other brands and styles to ensure that you find the best garments for your continuing waist training journey.

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