Firm vs. Squishy: What Does it Mean in Corsetry?

Firm vs. Squishy: What Does it Mean in Corsetry?

You might think choosing a corset is as simple as taking measurements and ordering the right size, but there’s a lot more to it.  Just think of all the times you’ve tried on jeans in “your size” and found them too tight to pull on, too wide around the waist, or otherwise ill-fitting.  When it comes to choosing a corset, there’s more to it than merely knowing your size.

Case in point: squishability.  Um, what?  Let me explain.  As you know – as every woman is made painfully aware by the unrelenting media – we’re not all stick-thin supermodels.  Even supermodels are often touched up in ads to remove perceived imperfections.  Plus, even two models of exactly the same size are going to have different body makeups.  One could be extremely fit and toned while the other is a bit squishy.

This brings me back to my point about sizing.  When your body has a bit more give, it can affect the size of corset that’s going to deliver the best results.  What, exactly, is squishability and how can you account for it when choosing the perfect corset for your needs?

Assessing the Squish Factor

Not only does everybody have their own, unique body, but our body shape and makeup fluctuate over time.  As we age, it’s natural to put on weight and suffer some sagging from gravity, for example.  Then there are people who are fitter in their forties than they were in their twenties.

It depends on heredity, lifestyle, and your penchant for choosing cookies over carrot sticks, for example.  For most people, we tend to go through ups and downs with our weight, muscle tone, and other factors.

When it comes to choosing a corset, you need to consider how much you squish in the middle, and no two people are going to be exactly alike.  Suppose your waist is 32 inches, like mine.  You might have a lot of hard muscle under there from daily crunches and weight training.  Or you might have more give if you work out infrequently and your waist line is softer.

More give in the middle means that you could potentially lace your corset tighter than someone who is the exact same size as you, but much firmer in the midsection.  You can see how this might impact the size of corset that best suits your needs.

Choosing a Corset Size

How can you choose the right size to account for your relative firmness or squishiness?  Your best option is to try before you buy, especially if you’re new to the world of waist training.  Once you have an idea of how much you can cinch a corset in “your size”, you’ll know if you need to downsize or not.

Don’t forget, torso length can also play a role, as people with longer torsos and more room between the ribcage and hips will enjoy more give in the waist in general, with more wiggle room to manipulate, so to speak.  If you’re just not sure which corset size best suits your body, simply try different sizes and models to see what works.

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