Ever since Kim Kardashian posted the infamous corset gym selfie, people have been asking us if exercising in a corset is a good idea. While the term “waist-training” may sound like something that would take place in the gym, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, wearing a corset while exercising can only not ruin your corset, but be damaging to your health as well.
Before you decide to channel your inner Kim K. during your next workout, check out these facts. And if you’re still determined to exercise in some type of corset? We have a plan for that, too!
It Can Ruin Your Corset
Here at Glamorous Corset, all of our corsets are made with a combination of spiral and steel bones – as are all the best corsets. Frankly, if you are not wearing a steel boned corset, you are not truly waist-training. However, there are other corsets on the market that are used for other purposes. Corsets with plastic bones are often used to make a fashion statement, while latex “fajas” (more about them later) are the kind preferred by Kim K.
While you can certainly be active and go about your daily routine while wearing a steel bone corset, getting on a treadmill or lifting weights isn’t a good idea. Waist-training works by holding your abdomen rigid, and if you try to work against that, it’s likely that your steel bones will bend or break, rendering your corset ineffective.
It Makes Your Corset Harder To Clean
It’s easy to throw sweats and a tank top into the wash after a sweaty workout, but corsets can’t be power washed with high heat and lots of detergent. In fact, cleaning a corset takes a bit of time and patience. First, you must purchase a non-biological powder, such as Persil. Then, after mixing it with some warm water, carefully sponge off your corset without folding, bending, or crumpling it. Corsets can only air dry, and should never be stored in a position that it wouldn’t be in when on your body.
If you wear your corset while exercising, it’s going to get a lot dirtier than it would on an average day. While we always suggest wearing a thin tank top under you corset, both for your own comfort and to keep sweat at bay, you’ll have to clean your corset more and more often if you’re working out in it. Over time, your sweat can even break down the fibers of your corset, especially if it’s silk, while exposure to too much moisture can rust the steel bones.
It Can Be Dangerous For Your Health
It’s no secret that corsets restrict your movement, but, depending on how tightly it’s laced, it can also limit lung function. While you might not observe this on an normal day, once your heart rate gets going and your breath speeds up, you’ll notice a marked difference in the number of breaths you are able to take per minute. This lack of oxygen can result in headaches, nausea, and even fainting.
And another word of warning – the pressure of a corset has been known to raise blood pressure, so individuals who already have high blood pressure should take special care not to exercise in a corset. Don’t believe me? Check out how fast this young lady is able to raise her blood pressure after lacing up her corset.
You Won’t Get A Good Workout
OK, so you can’t move your abdomen, get too sweaty, or raise your heart rate. How are you going to get a decent workout? In today’s busy world, it’s hard to find time to exercise, so when we manage to squeeze it into our schedules, we want to make sure it really counts! As much as we might hate doing it, that includes stretching, cardio, and weights – none of which can be done in a corset.
If you’re stressed about the amount of waist-training time you are losing while working out, remember that you are still strengthening and training your core, just in a different way, which leads me to my next point …
Your Back And Core Need Time To Stretch Out
Last week, we discussed how corsets help with back pain by strengthening your back muscles and improving your posture, but this, like everything, needs to be done in moderation. After all, when you’re just getting started, your muscles won’t be used to being held in this new position, and will probably feel a bit sore for a few days or weeks. Just like you stretch out your legs before and after a run, your back and core need time to stretch and be free as well.
In addition, ditching the corset at the gym will give you time to focus on core-training exercises, such as squats, crunches, and side bends. This will lead to an all-around stronger midsection, both in and out of your corset.
Still Not Convinced? Buy A Faja!
So you’ve learned the facts and are still convinced that you want to exercise in a corset? Your best bet is to buy a latex faja, similar to what Kim K. is wearing in her gym selfie.
While we are giving you all the information you need, we still wouldn’t suggest exercising in a faja for the reasons listed above. However, if you decide to purchase one, be sure to follow best cleaning practices. Much like a corset, it must be hand-washed and laid flat to dry. Failure to do so can result in fabric breakdown, as well as body acne and more serious skin infections.
Have advice or questions about exercising in a corset? Message us at [email protected]. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for updates and our monthly corset giveaway!

My name is Rachel, I am the owner of Glamorous Corset, a small business founded by me in 2010. Back In 2005, I was in a car accident that left me with a herniated disk. Much to my surprise I learned steel boned corsets were beneficial to several medical injuries including mine. I was always intrigued with corsetry, their history and their beautiful aesthetic. I love sharing knowledge about corsets, educating my wonderful readers and breaking the negative stigma related to corsetry. In combination with my years of research and personal experience I hope my articles are useful and can help anyone who has struggled with some of the same things I have. More about me…